Wednesday, December 13, 2023

wednesday 13

wednesday 13



.image below: title: 'white and yellow on black' 






.dream: walking behind israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, enter into a building, 

turn right, down slope, turn around, up slope, exit building, walking outside, i 

tell netanyahu he should end the war in gaza, end dream 



.a - me 

b - israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu 

c - enter building                         d - down slope 


e - up slope                                  f - exit building 

g - i tell netanyahu he should end the war in gaza 





.dream: in a cafeteria, leave, running in grass outside, enter another building, running, 

two people low to the ground on my right, one lady peels off a bandaid from my right ankle, 

i don't need it anymore, the left bandaid is still on, i do need the left one on my ankle 

because i have a wound there that hasn't healed yet, 


.up stairs, right turn, three ear plug vending machines on the right, first one has 

longer straight orange plugs, middle machine is greyed out, last machine has 

wider curved ear plugs, these are my favorite, i turn the dial, lots of ear plugs 

fall into my hands, two CIA people behind me, guy and lady, end scene, 


.on the ground floor now, building is a warehouse, CIA lady and guy across from me, 

table in front of me, two white boxes with silverware on table, empty black box behind the 

white ones, CIA guy realizes that i'm very independent and have a bit of an attitude, 

lady says they already knew that, 


.i notice two large grey metal hooks above my head, leave area, go around to other 

aisle, several red glass beads on floor, slightly smaller than golf balls, i kick two 

of three of these red glass beads over to the CIA folk, 


.about to leave building, notice some foreign language books on shelf behind me, 

check it out, chinese on left, south slavic on right and turkish below, i read some 

croatian, end dream 



.a - cafeteria                             b - grass outside 

c - enter building                      d - two people, low on ground 


e - lady takes bandaid off my right ankle 

f - up stairs                                g - ear plug vending machines 


h (high) - two CIA people         h (low) - boxes with silverware and two hooks above 

j - CIA people                            k - red glass beads on ground 

l - foreign language books    




.image below: ear plug vending machines dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: bandaids on my ankles detail 





.image below: ear plug vending machines detail 





.image below: kicking red glass beads detail 





.image below: foreign language books detail 















.wake up






.         4        24          2464264          2            62           6        42662       46        264     




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