Tuesday, December 19, 2023

tuesday 19

tuesday 19



.image set below: title: 'blue with blue on blue'





.dream: in a central hub area, gives access to many rooms, walking with a lady, 

going around a rope that marks a line (queue), just me and lady, we go up to 

a table, guy at table, 


.on the table are several pictures of some guy named eric who did a performance, 

i tell the guy that i'd like to do a performance, guy isn't sure how to make that 

happen, end dream 



.a - central hub area                         b - access to many rooms 

c - rope to mark line (queue)            d - me and some lady 

e - guy at table                                   f - pictures of a guy doing a performance 




.image below: pictures of a guy who did a performance detail 






.dream: an electrical panel is all set up for some experiment, the experiment is 

called off due to fears of a possible short circuit, end scene, 


.a dinosaur is behind a wall, putting on a suit, preparing to come out from 

behind the wall, end scene, 


.i'm talking with two physicists, end scene, 


.lying on a bed, a lady named franchesca approaches, gets on top of me, wants 

sex, two more women enter room for sex, the last lady is from santa monica, 

the women say i need to take a bath first, i get up from bed, pass by some 

guy, go into bathroom, 


.in bathroom, bathtub, flower seed, i give the seed to some guy, make the 

flowers grow, end scene, 


.lying in a bed, some guy walks by, has a white plastic sword, he gives it 

to me, i give it back to him, end scene, 


.looking at a small yellow tv in my hands, carpet commercial, end scene, 


.standing by a low wall, some guy comes in and is concerned about 

playing 'slide rule' on the low wall, i slip a bit, slide rule is a game 

where people try and push each other off from the low wall, end dream 



.a - electrical panel set up for experiment 

b - dinosaur behind wall, putting on suit 


c - me and two physicists                                 d - me on bed 

e - three women                                                f - some guy (ten) 

g - bathtub and shower area                              h - me on bed 


i - guy with plastic sword                                  j - looking at small yellow tv 

k - me by low wall                                             l - some science guy 




.image below: flowers in bathroom dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: dinosaur behind wall detail 





.image below: flowers in bathroom detail 





.image below: small yellow tv detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/12/19/dream-19-dec-2023/




.wake up




.image set below: title: 'orange with orange on orange'




.        5       45         4595945          4          94          9        45549       59        549     




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