Thursday, December 14, 2023

thursday 14

thursday 14



.image set below: title: 'interacting orbitals' 





.dream: in a van, moving, aunt is driving, she stops by a building, tells me i need to go 

and check in, 


.walking outside with a lady (c.h), her clothes remind me of beetlejuice, walking next to 

a house, i turn left, freshly planted grass, a guy picks me up and puts me on the porch, 

can't walk on the grass yet, 


.a small mole creature has died, a person is calling out to a giant mole creature in the 

valley below, if the giant mole creature wants to recover the carcass of the smaller mole 

creature, it has to come up from the valley, 


.i look over side of porch, the giant mole creature emerges from the valley below 

and recovers the smaller mole creature carcass, goes back down into the dark 



.dog on porch, i pet it, i might have gone inside house and laid down on a bunk, 

end scene, 


.in a van, moving, me and n.s and other large person in van, several smaller people 

including n.s's brother a.s, n.s and other large person disappear, a.s drinks some 

water, a.s tells me he's not pleased that n.s is always directing him what to do, 


.walking with a.s outside, he wants to show me how n.s is trying to control his 

life, there are some rocks behind a couch where a.s sleeps, on these rocks are 

blankets, a.s doesn't like the blankets there, i move some of the blankets over to the 

left, take out another blanket, a person on the couch grabs it, end dream 



.a - aunt driving me in van                             b - walking outside with c.h 

c - newly planted grass                                   d - guy who moves me off grass 


e - small mole creature carcass                       f - giant mole creature from valley below 

g - dog i pet                                                     h - house 

i - me in moving van                                       j - n.s 


k - other large person                                       l - a.s 

m - smaller people                                           n - rocks outside 


o - i move blankets                                          p - couch 

q - person grabs blanket                                  r - me and a.s 




.image below: giant mole creature recovers carcass of smaller mole creature detail 





.image below: petting dog detail 















.wake up


.run outside (two notebooks) 




.         7           37            3797397          3            93             9        79339       79        379     




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