Tuesday, October 31, 2023

tuesday 31

tuesday 31



.daily events: swim 





.dream: black book, end dream 






.dream: standing in the middle of some train tracks, talking to a lady and a guy, train 

passes by, lower bodies of lady and guy disappear, they seem to be holograms, end scene, 


.riding in a car, on the highway, getting off on exit fifty three, riding in the back of a car 

with guy (a.n), me and a.n are eating cheetos, circling around in a parking lot, see some 

stairs of interest, end dream 



.a - me                                         b - guy and lady hologram 

c - train                                        d - in a car on highway 

e - highway exit                           f - me and guy (a.n) in back of car 

g - bag of cheetos                        h - stairs of interest 



.image below: cheetos detail 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-31-oct-2023







.     8        18          1898918          1          91          9       89119         89        198     




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