Sunday, October 29, 2023

sunday 29

sunday 29



.daily events: clean apartment, park workout, groceries 










.dream: exit a comic shop, holding something in my left hand, on the street, 

'november' i say, turn right, walk away, end dream 



.a - comic book shop 

b - sidewalk 

c - me with something in left hand 





.dream: in a military language classroom, just got done with a korean test, 

rearranging the chairs, i push some of the forward tables up higher, a guy (s.m) has 

already marked out the space here, i messed it up a bit, push tables back, end scene, 


.at some house, want to leave, brother and mother at house with me, brother isn't 

ready to go, hasn't packed up his stuff yet, i want to leave, i'll get a cab if i have to, 

look at numbers on house, seven numbers, one seven three or one seven nine something, 


.i go over to car, brother leaves car and goes back to house, i start to drive with mother 

in car, take a right out of the driveway, main intersection, ask mother which way to go, 

she says right, turn right, bump into large white brick carnival building, driving inside 

building, lots of dead ends, drive into bathroom area, large duck statue spits water on me, 


.jump over a pool, outside, large man and woman approaching, end dream, 



.a - military language classroom 

b - me                                                 c - guy (s.m) 

d - me and mother in vehicle             e - brother 


f - right turn out from driveway         g - right turn in main intersection 

h - white brick carnival building        i - multiple dead ends inside building 

j - duck statue spits water                   k - me outside 

l - large people outside 



.image below: large duck statue spitting water detail 













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