Thursday, October 26, 2023

thursday 26

thursday 26




.manic episode has ended, apartment needs to be cleaned up, recovering from a bad cold, 

preparing for november ... 



.dream: university classroom, indoor basketball, neighbor's empty apartment, end dream 



.a - university class                        b - indoor basketball 

c - neighbor's empty apartment     

d - hallway 




.dream: in a house, friend (s.c) and other guy smoking weed, i don't join in, end scene, 


.leaving a campground, backing up a white van, can't really see where i'm going, brakes on 

van don't work, driving forwards, crash into a bookshelf in a home, after initial crash, 

vehicle slides over to the left, i see to be looking for some kind of entry way, end scene, 


.in a spanish language classroom, class ends, end dream 



.a - me in corner of house by door                             b - steps down from porch 

c - two guys smoking weed                                        d - backing up a vehicle 


e - smash vehicle into book shelf                                f - spanish language classroom 

g - main door                                                               h - white board 

i - me and other person with skateboard                      j - door to other classrooms 




.nap dream: walking towards a fence, lady (a.m) and a group of kids are up ahead, 


.someone says '... kick him around a little, let him in ...', 


.end dream 



.a - me                                    b - lady (a.m) by fence 

c - group of kids 




.nap dream: watching a movie preview, car with some people crashes into a wall, end scene, 


.an explosion has occurred in a continental breakfast diner, a guy with robes and a purple hood is 

standing in the middle of the diner, end dream 



.a - people in car                                         b - car crashes into wall 

c - continental breakfast diner                    d - explosion 

e - guy in robes and purple hood, possibly from saudi arabia 




.sources of food: hunting, gathering, farming, grocery stores, other 








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