Monday, October 30, 2023

monday 30

monday 30



.daily events: gym, groceries 





.dream: in a house, in a central room, counter in middle of room, a.h and people on 

other side of counter, huskies, money, millions and billions, end dream 



.a - central room in house                     b - kitchen area in back 

c - counter in middle of room               d - me 

e - a.h                                                    f - people 





.dream: low house area, end scene, 


.running up a hill, two kids running behind me, the two kids pass me, one kid is 

carrying a little blue whistle thing, seems to track train movements, kid drops blue 

train whistle on ground, we all keep running, 


.approaching top of hill, very steep, i climb over to the top side, one kid doesn't make it, 

i turn right, keep running, some lady in a dentist office, my apartment key is on the ground, 

i pick it up, end dream 



.a - low house area                                     b - me running up hill 

c - two kids behind me                               d - blue whistle train tracker 

e - top of hill                                               f - lady in dentist office 

g - my apartment key 



.image below: blue whistle train tracker detail 














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