Sunday, October 8, 2023

sunday 08

sunday 08



.yesterday's events: breakfast cereal 






. outside, a homeless lady is sitting by a fire, she has her knees bent with a blanket around 

them, i approach her, i sit down in front of her, lean back on her legs so the blanket is 

supporting my back, 


.i'm wearing the hiking shoes i threw away, i can feel the heat of the fire on my feet, 

look up, a military plane flies by, end scene, 


.just woke up in a house in germany, come out from the bedroom into the main 

living room, dark, no one around, i open the door, snowing and cold outside, usually i'd 

just go outside and fly around but this time i have a renewed sense of self preservation and 

want to stay inside, if i were to go fly around outside, i'd likely die, 


.go over to a side hole in the wall, i can see into another part of the house, very cold 

over there, i'm humming the german national anthem 


.'einigkeit und recht und freiheit ... ', end scene, 


.walking along outside two small fashion shops, i seem to know the female owner of 

these shops, i stop at the corner shop, writing a note to the fashion lady, something about 

how styles are always changing and this lady keeps on designing and making new 

outfits without even knowing what the current trends are, end scene, 


.riding in a kind of tram car cable car, guy on my left, seems like we're escaping from 

something, guy says we'll likely have to split up, at first guy seems like a guy i knew (d.c) 

but then he appears like a slight upright monkey, 


.guy hands me a picture book, it's a history of our time together, i flip through 

the book, this guy was born and then me and some other people protected him from 

another group of aggressive and menacing people, then the guy grows up and then 

we escape, 


.i'm overcome by emotion looking at the picture book and begin to cry, i tell the 

guy we should split up after we get some clothing, if we even make it that far, 

end dream 



.a - camp fire                                 b - me and homeless lady 

c - military aircraft                        d - empty house in germany 


e - snowing outside                        f - other, colder area of house 

g - two fashion shops                     h - me writing note 

i - me and guy in cable car 




.image below: homeless lady, camp fire and military aircraft scene detail 












. in a dark restaurant, sitting at a booth, mother on my right, brother across from us, 

i'm on my computer, looking at emojiis and trying to figure out what words the emojiis 

came from, i figure out the first one, word may have been 'utility' or 'nirvana' or something, 


.mother keeps leaning into me, annoying me, i tell her to stop, she keep leaning into me, 

tells me that herself and brother will always need to be near me, 

i get pissed, get up and go over to another table, mother comes over towards me, 


.i yell at her 'get the fuck away from me for five fucking minutes', mother leaves, 

i open up some new super mario video game on my computer, not that interested, 

i try to close it down, video game plays for a little bit before i figure out how to 

shut it down, 


.brother is now across from me on the left, he's in living room from high school, he's 

surprised i have this mario game on my computer, i don't care, tell him i send it to him 

on his computer, brother says that that's not possible, we both have white computers 

and the mario game can't be sent to him from he, brother says that he and another guy (a.d) 

already tried, not possible, images something, 


.i look at my desktop, lots of little image files going down on the right side, 

end dream 



.a - restaurant booth table                         b - me 

c - mother                                                  d - brother 


e - me at other table                                  f - mother 

g - my computer                                        h - video game on computer detail 

i - brother on couch 




.image below: restaurant and video game dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: new super mario computer game detail (rough approximation) 






.wake up


.shoe change on the street 




.double patty hamburger at the gas station 



.    2        12           1292912         1           91          9       21191        29        192     




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