Wednesday, October 4, 2023

wednesday 04

wednesday 04



.yesterday's events: milk 






. in a house, in a room, lots of people around, some guy goes up to some lady and is 

talking very aggressive, threatening her, guy leaves, the brother of the lady follows the 

guy out, brother returns to his sister, tells her something, my mother enters room, 

she's carrying balloons, she's here to pick up me and my brother, 


.i need to get my bags out from my room, running around my room, getting my 

stuff together, go over to brother's room, he's in bed with the lights off, i tell 

him our mother is waiting outside and we need to go, he doesn't believe me and 

says something about calling nine one one when we're ready to go, 


.i convince him she's outside waiting for us, get my bags from room, go outside, 

walking down steps of house, brother is walking down steps and carrying a 

heavy flattened yellow cardboard box in a blue bag, brother puts bagged box in 

the recycle area, i drop off my bags, holding some remote controls in my hands, 


.i need to put these remote controls back in my room, go back into house, go into my room, 

put the controls on a wooden toilet lid, 

end dream 



.a - people in room of house             

b - lady                                  c - rude and threatening guy 

d - lady's brother                   e - mother with balloons 


f - my room                           g - bed 

h - grab bag                            i - brother's room 


j - steps outside                       k - brother with box 

l - recycle area                         m - mother in vehicle 

n - toilet with wooden seat and lid 




.image below: house dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: yellow cardboard box in blue bag detail 





.image below: remote controllers on wooden toilet seat detail 







. in a dark grocery store, i've finally set up my debit card on my cell phone, cell phone 

has ear buds in it, i go up to self checkout area, put my phone down, leave, lady worker 

on the left, a guy worker approaches from the right, 

end dream 



.a - self checkout of grocery store 

b - me                                     c - worker lady 

d - my cell phone                    e - worker guy 




.image below: cell phone with ear buds detail 















.wake up


.run outside (two notebooks) 




.street grapes 



.       7            47           4787847        4          84            8      47784       78       487     




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