Saturday, October 28, 2023

saturday 28

saturday 28




.daily events: park workout, groceries 




.dream: ask some guy about a skatepark, takes him a really long time to respond, end scene, 


.in a dark house, long ledge, fakie ollie to switch crook grind, turns into a nose slide, 

sand on ground, other skaters on my right, end scene, 


.death ships on black water, main one has a yellow stripe down it and is important, 

end dream 



.a - some guy                                         b - me asking about skatepark 

c - me skating on long ledge                 d - sand on ground 

e - other skaters                                     f - death ships 

g - main death ship of importance 




.dream: on a road in the four corners region, rock formation on the left, end dream 



.a - road in four corners region 

b - rock formation 

c - me 





.dream: in some guy's house, guy and another person leaving, i'm leaving as well, some 

of my papers by piano, i leave papers there, go outside, lock door behind me, seems to 

be an auxiliary door, 


.my car is gone, confront some guys, they're doing laundry, end scene, 


.exit a house, step onto a platform on a track, pennies in cases on platform, platform 

starts moving, left turn, lady on platform with me, she tells me i make good heads, 

going deep this time, 


we pose for a photo, awkward, i grab lady, 

bend her over and spin her around, press my crotch up against her butt, start to get a 

boner, lady spins around and chomps at me as if to bite my nose off, misses, end scene, 


.in a large abandoned toy warehouse, blue machinery, go down to bottom floor, trash area, 

guy comes in with a cart, garbage to be traded out, i go into stairwell, going up, no stairs, 

floating up, back by blue machinery, trying to climb over it, end dream 



.a - some guy's house                                 b - piano 

c - guy and other person                             d - me 

e - laundry                                                   f - guys 


g - leave a house, platform with pennies 

h - me and lady on platform                        i - abandoned toy warehouse 

j - blue machinery                                        k - lower trash area 

l - back to blue machinery 



.image below: blue machinery detail 










.        7          47           4787847          4          84         8       78448        78        487 





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