Tuesday, October 3, 2023

tuesday 03

tuesday 03



.yesterday's events: middle aged man in grey sweatshirt looking at frozen corn dogs in grocery store 






. in kitchen from house from high school, sitting by a low wall, iron on wall, electrical 

cord is wound up on table, i've plugged in the iron, iron gets hot, i unplug it, 


.aunt is at table in dining room, mother is at counter in kitchen, i pick up some 

tan colored disc with a bunch of little holes in it, water starts coming out like 

it's a large shower head, mother might have gotten a bit wet, i put down disc, 

water stops flowing, 


.the iron is plugged in again and is getting hot, i pick it up from the small wall to 

dissipate the heat, unplug iron, i take one electrical cord off from another on the table, 

it was getting hot and the cords were starting to melt together, 


.look out window, two people walking, school students, girl is large and fully developed 

with large breasts, guy is a normal school guy, the two pass by, another guy approaching, 

also a student, he's saying something about shoes, he doesn't know what's going 

on with his shoes, 

end dream 



.a - aunt                                     b - dining table 

c - top of low wall                     d - iron 

e - electrical cords on kitchen table 

f - me                                         g - shower disc 


h - mother                                  i - window 

j - yard                                       k - female student

l - male student                          m - other male student, shoes 




.image below: iron and shower head disc detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/10/03/dream-03-oct-2023/





. in a car rental office, just got down talking with the rental lady, at a chair by the door, 

getting my bag ready, some lady enters door, hands me a blue key card, tells me 

i look like an admiral, apparently this key card is to the car rental office, 


.i go into a lobby area, empty coffee cup, another one, i take three empty paper coffee 

cups and put them together and on a small table, pull out my hospital ankle 

bracelet with my info on it, go into office space, put hospital ankle bracelet into trash, 

end scene, 


.in a room with my brother, we're both writing something, waiting for the rental car to 

be ready, i have a white towel over me and realize i have no pants on, need to 

get my pants on, go into bathroom, toilet water gets on pants, i start to 

wash them off in the sink, end scene, 


.on a mattress in my room, tapping with my fingers, sounds like a helicopter outside, 

my upper body gives out and i collapse down on the mattress, a little voice over on 

my right says 'hello', the 'hello' carried over into my conscious state of being and 

may be considered an audio hallucination, 

end dream 



.a - staff area of car rental office 

b - me by chair                                 c - lady comes in door and gives me key card 

d - three stacked paper coffee cups on table 

e - stairs up                                       f - put hospital ankle bracelet in trash 


g - me and brother in room               h - bathroom 

i - toilet                                              j - washing pants in sink 

k - me on mattress                             l - 'hello' 




.image below: car rental dream, alternate scale representation





.image below: blue key card and three stacked coffee cups detail 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-03-oct-2023




.wake up


.black and white flying insect in park 







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