Friday, October 6, 2023

friday 06

friday 06



.yesterday's events: worm season in the park 






. possibly in a train car, get up and leave, enter into side room, friend (g.h), i talk with 

him a bit, g.h's girlfriend enters room, she stands up on a couch and starts doing some 

homework, end scene, 


.walking down a hallway, a nurse lady is up ahead, she wants to give me two pills, i don't 

want to take them, look at my medical bracelet, the name of the pills matches the 

name of the medication on my bracelet, zxypreia or something, i finally agree to 

accept the pills, i'll just throw them away later, 


.pass through a doorway, put the pills into my pocket, enter into kitchen from high school, 

as i walk the pills are making a clicking sound in my pocket, mother at kitchen counter, 

aunt at dining room table, mother asks me what i've been up to, 'same old stuff' i say, 

end dream 



.a - me in train car                                         b - side room 

c - me on couch                                             d - friend (g.h) 


e - g.h's girlfriend doing homework              f - nurse lady with pills 

g - doorway                                                    h - mother in kitchen 

i - aunt at dining table 




.image below: homework detail 





.image below: pills detail 







. in a guy's kitchen (t.n), i'm rinsing small dishes, t.n is on my left, i'm putting the rinsed dishes 

in a dish rack so they can be washed later, t.n says that the dish rack is overflowing with 

dishes and his assistant needs to come in to help, 


.t.n's assistant lady comes in to wash the dishes, i leave, rooms on the left, these rooms 

are used for deleting files, some person does or doesn't get to delete files now, don't 



.i go around to a lady at a desk, someone mentions a tall guy, end scene, 


.vertical tower, friend (s.s) is present, the word 'liar' is written in the arabic script, 

end dream 



.a - t.n's kitchen                             b - me 

c - dish rack                                   d - t.n 

e - assistant lady                             f - rooms for deleting computer files 


g - lady at desk                               h - vertical tower 

i - s.s                                                j - 'liar' written in arabic letters 




.image below: dishes in dish rack detail 





.image below: vertical tower and friend (s.s) scene detail 











.wake up






.post office 



.       5        15         1565165         1          61          6      51661     56       516     




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