Saturday, October 7, 2023

saturday 07

saturday 07



.yesterday's events: post office 






. walking outside, dark, sidewalk, a bunch of pictures and stuff is on the ground, i pick up the 

stuff, throw it in the trash, one item was a red cornered arrow, when i picked up the arrow, 

it was in one piece, then when i threw it in the trash, the arrow became two pieces, 

end dream 



.a - pictures and stuff on sidewalk 

b - me 

c - trash can 




.image below: red cornered arrow detail 
















. two women up ahead of me, i have an orange frisbee, tossing orange frisbee back and 

forth with the two women, lady throws frisbee at me, frisbee hits me on the left side 

of the neck, end scene, 


.looking at the keyboard of a laptop computer, flipping a quarter, quarter landing on the 

space bar, tails, tails again, 

end dream 



.a - me                                        b - two women 

c - path of orange frisbee           d - computer 

e - quarter 




.image below: orange frisbee hits me left on the neck detail 





.image below: flipping quarter on computer detail 






.wake up


.outside, buildings 




.breakfast cereal 



.     2            12         1262162         1        61           6       26112        62         126      




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