Sunday, October 22, 2023

sunday 22

sunday 22



.elevator green:





.short quote: it makes no difference and is very very important, end quote


.dream: in a house, i'm not noticing something, two women on my right, a sink is leaking, 

i get down on my knees, under a sink i didn't know was there, adjust the leaking to a steady 

constant flow, end dream 



.a - low sink in living room                                 b - me on my knees, adjusting water flow 

c - two women                                                     d - entrance to main kitchen 

e - part of leaking sink                                         f - leaking sink fittings detail 




.no dream: deep deep sleep, no dreams processed, events likely occurred in my other 

self realms but i don't know what went on because my mind did not process the events of 

the dream, 


.wake up to the sound of triangulating sea gulls, 


.salish poem: ( ata at'wa'a  e.aki akwa ... [ak'wa'a] ...)  



.a - deep sleep, no dream events processed 

b - empty region where dream events occurred but events were not processed 

....note: events not processed because i'm recovering from a manic event, end note 


.c - three seagulls outside my window 

d - triangulation of sea bird squawking sounds 



.note: the 'ly' and 'ly' ' sounds in the salish (lushootseed) language and like the english 'L' but 

unvoiced and the back of the tongue is in a more upright position  



.short quote: all the people in the world and me, end quote



.elevator green with box:







.     3        13         1373173         1             71          7         37117         37        173    




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