Thursday, October 5, 2023

thursday 05

thursday 05



.yesterday's events: street grapes 






. falling down, darkness all around, white porthole entrance to small town movie 

theater, there are two of me falling, both of me miss the porthole entrance, 

end dream 



.a - round porthole entrance to small town movie theater 

b - two of me                                         c - falling 

d - miss porthole entrance, do not enter small town movie theater 






. early morning, running outside, two guys running in front of me, slight down hill, concrete 

road, up ahead is a dead end, two houses on the right, the far house has a kind of large 

decorative skull on the front entrance, 


.the two guys ahead of me turn into the houses, i don't feel good about going into these 

houses so i turn around, 


.come upon a doorway, suddenly inside, some guy standing near doorway, he starts speaking 

to me in chinese and says 


.'你 会 说 中文 吗 ...' (ni hui shuo zhong wen ma ...) [are you gonna speak chinese ...]


.or maybe it's [can you speak chinese], i repeat what he said, i go over to a round table, 

three guys opposite me, middle guy is doing something on a cell phone, i take it from him, 

tell him i'll give it back, i push the three button, a three with a percent sign appears, i 

notice i'm wearing a black cotton glove, 


.then i use my teeth to take off the black cotton glove on my right hand and push the 

same three button, an eight appears, i give the cell phone back to the guy, he 

pulls up some screen with all the numbers on it and shows me, the three is real close to 

the eight on the right side, maybe i hit the eight by accident, 

end dream 



.a - running outside                             b - slight down hill 

c - two houses                                     d - two guys 


e - large decorative skull                     f - doorway inside 

g - guy speaking chinese                     h - me 

i - guy with cell phone 




.image below: dead end houses dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: two houses detail 





.image below: numbers on cell phone detail 















.wake up


.after school minivan confusion 




.worm season in the park 



.      7        27        2797297        2           92         9        72992        79         279      




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