Friday, October 20, 2023

friday 20

 friday 20


.mania subsiding, dreams returning, incredible left leg shock ,,, mmmmmmm 



.dreams - from thursday: (one salient dream, one involved dream, one semi-conscious dream) 


.scene one (a): i see c.l, we recognize each other and want to interact, some guy pulls her away, 

says to me 'she's with me', end scene 


.scene two (b): leaving some facility, get outside, in a large hallway, someone tells me 

to lock back up, i do it, end scene 


.scene three (c, d, e) - walking by a house, house on my left, two guys on top of 

stairs, barking dog on steps 




.a - lady (roommate from turkey) c.l - SALIENT DREAM

b - locks after exiting building, make sure to lock back up - INVOLVED DREAM



C - two guys on top of steps outside house, menacing, pose a danger to me 

D - ferocious dog, protects me (kind of ... )

E - me walking by 




.dreams - from last night: (three involved dreams) 


.one: driving a car, very tired , going to see my uncle, able to drive on road but keep bumping 

into other cars, two older women on the right wave to me, i turn right, large house up ahead, 

i try to fly up in car, cannot, end scene 


.note: dream seemed very real, i only realized dream was a dream when i tried to fly in car, end note 



.a - driving car to see uncle 

b - high wavy concrete barriers on side of road, wavy

c - two older women waving to me 

d - house of 'c' 




.two: triple location dream (middle embedded) : walking in a pharmacy home, some lady on computer 

on my left, i go into back, looking for bathroom, l.z is up in rafters and poops on me, i leave, 

scene interrupted ... 


.embedded scene, a scientist guy in field of tall grass tells me a part time job would be a good 

thing for me, (i agree), end embedded scene, 


.continue with above scene: outside pharmacy home, riding a very small scooter, going down 

hill, lady (w.t) tells someone 'he has the mind of a child', may be referring to me or to a 

different person, i scooter down hill, turns into a fall, some other lady, possibly lady on computer, 

comments/ asks me how to fall, i just move my body, end dream 



,a - pharmacy home 

.b - older lady on computer                         c - lady (l.z) poops on me from high up in rafters 

d - outside porch - enter embedded dream 


db - scientist guy outside in tall grass tells me a part time job would be good for me 

e - on a small scooter, moving down a hill, lady (w.t) tells someone i have the mind of 

a child, falling, 



.three: truck audio engine test 


.outside a house, my red truck behind me on the right, a lady with her own truck, grey truck 

drives up, comes from the house, l.y comes over, finger in dirt, lady needs an engine audio 

test, l.y whistles, 


.l.y goes into red truck, grey and red trucks attached with steel cable, positive direction on 

cable winds, red truck drives in reverse, towing grey truck, all three of us in red truck, 

l.y is driving from the middle, i'm in driver's seat, lady in passenger seat, end dream 


,a - me                        b - guy (l.y)                        c - some lady with a truck that needs audio test 

d - my red truck (l.y takes possession)      

e - two trucks are linked with a steel cable and moving in reverse 



.daily events: part time job search items, skateboard










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