Thursday, February 29, 2024

thursday 29

thursday 29



.image below: title: 'green me red' 





.dream: a female horse is horny, she wants sex, male horse approaches, erection, mount, 

penetration, ejaculation, male horse leaves, i approach the female horse, pet her a 

bit, she needs to rest, then the horse starts running around in the room we're in, 

living room of house from elementary school, 


.horse runs outside, comes back in near mother in the kitchen, runs outside again, 

horse is running laps around the outside of the yard, kicking up a bunch of gravel in 

the lawn, two jumps, one near top of up slope, other on other side (orange squiggles 

in diagram), 


.horse is gone now, aunt on lawn mower approaches, she wants to mow the lawn, i 

tell her she can't mow over all the rocks, i leave, carrying a bag of rocks, waking 

on some boards in the water, looking for a good place to skip a rock, get to 

end of boards, might be a gator here, no gator spotted, not enough space to 

skip a rock, end dream 



.a - two horses                             b - mother in kitchen 

c - door to outside                       d - horse running and jumping 


e - gravel in lawn                        f - me 

g - aunt on lawn mower              h - boards in water 





.image below: dream map 





.image below: gravel in lawn detail 















.dream: on a side walk corner, lying down, hill down, two kids want to have a skateboard 

race down the hill to the water, construction on road, they want to find another road, one 

kid kicks his longboard past me, i turn around, roller skate shoes with no wheels, end scene, 


.in mother's bedroom, tv computer, lots of programs open but they aren't showing up, 

seems to start at five zero nine, then i just start closing the programs, like going 

through every channel on a tv, using a small odd keyboard, cat meow sound, end dream 



.a - me on sidewalk corner                     b - two skateboard kids 

c - longboard gets kicked by me            d - roller skate shoes, no wheels 


e - me in mother's bedroom                    f - large tv computer screen 

g - odd shaped keyboard                         h - cat meow sound 




.image below: dream map 





.image below: shoes and odd keyboard detail 






.wake up 




.image below: title: 'spikes' 




.      4        14         1474174           1          71          7       14771          47         174      




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