Friday, March 1, 2024

friday 01

friday 01



.image below: title: 'red me purple' 





.dream: in a cabin with s.a, i'm on the floor, looking up, several white tubes, a yellow tube 

appears, i grab it, it's a lighter, has the number sixty three associated with it, i have a 

similar lighter, s.a asks me why i don't refill the fluid in mine, end scene, 


.on a cart on a track with s.a, moving on cart, guy skateboarding below on the left, 

skater is doing a nose manual but like a front side crooked grind, nose manualing 

at a crooked frontside angle, cart turns left, s.a gets off to go home, 


.cart turns left again, on my way back home, i look back, my orange lighter has 

fallen off cart, whatever, i'll get it later, then my skateboard falls off cart, not 

good, i jump off cart, recover my board, apparently there were also two cats on 

the cart with me, i'm carrying the smaller cat, the bigger cat is running after 

the cart, 


.we were all resting on the cart, just making our way back home, now it's gonna 

be a long walk along the tracks, end dream 



.a - cabin                                 b - s.a 

c - me                                      d - yellow lighters 


e - on a cart on a track             f - guy skateboarding 

g - s.a gets off cart                   h - my orange lighter 


i - my skateboard                     j - i get off cart, get my board 

k - me and cat                          l - other larger cat 




.image below: lighters detail 





.image below: recovering my skateboard that fell off cart detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'interaction' 




.      4        34        3464634          3          63         6        44363       46        364      




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