Sunday, March 3, 2024

sunday 03

sunday 03



.image below: title: 'green circles' 





.dream: celestial objects are being prepared to be weighed, a planetoid's weight is 

to be compared to the weight of a galactic structure, this makes no sense, 

the weight of a planetoid and a galactic structure's weight cannot be compared in 

any meaningful way, at least i think not, end dream 











.dream: in a school building, a class just got out, math class is next, don't have 

my scooter, don't have my math book, i do have my black backpack, go around near 

door, large green backpack on ground, look inside, no scooter, shoes and 

skateboard wheels, i pick up the oversized green backpack, 


.notice another large green bag on floor, i put the green backpack on my back, 

start to adjust the shoulder straps, end scene, 


.sweeping a concrete patio outside house from elementary school, naked, end dream 




.image below: oversized green backpack, black backpack and sweeping concrete patio detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'comic book shop' 




.       5            45            4575745         4         74          7        45547           57             457      




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