Tuesday, March 26, 2024

tuesday 26

tuesday 26



.image below: title: 'greyness' 





.dream: in a recovery center for abused and neglected children, sitting on a couch, kids at 

low square table in front of me are being served food, big plates of rice and veggies, 

i'm not served, i go over to other side of room, cooking meat, the chef is preparing food, 


.i go over to other counter, put down meat i cooked, cook comes over, puts down more 

meat, i'm cutting the meat, end scene, 


.ferry boat dock, worker lady tells me to watch out or i'll be swept out to sea, 

some little latch is bent, end dream



.a - recovery center for abused and neglected children 

b - me on couch                             c - kids being served food at low square table 


d - me cooking meat                      e - meat on plate 

f - cook brings more meat 


g - me at ferry boat dock                h - ferry boat worker lady 

i - dock                                            j - where boat comes in 

k - water 




.image below: veggies and rice and meat detail 





.image below: ferry boat dock detail 






.dream: in home office with aunt, keyboard with red letters for her blog, end scene, 


.skateboarding in parking lot, swivel board with two wheels, guy approaching, on 

the front porch of a house now, guy, i push my skateboard down on his neck, kill 

the guy, i feed his little dog a doggie treat, leave area, dog is following me, i have a 

big roll of red tickets, 


.my red truck in parking lot is now a white table, 


.neighborhood sidewalks, approach a house on a hill, some lady mentions a guy named 

grahm, two insects are interacting on hill, i watch them, end scene, 


.i wake up early, around five am, end scene, 


.the the hallway of a shopping center, a guy wearing energy sensing glasses walks 

by, these glasses can see wifi networks and all sorts of energy wave patterns, i 

pose for him, flex my mind, then i show guy inside of my right wrist where my alien 

abduction scar is, 


.guy is fascinated, now my right hand is under his chin, guy is reading some 

story on my right arm, something left by the alien scientist who altered my mind and 

body, something about how the skin cells where left in my wrist before i was two 

years old and how to not make me a target something, end dream 



.a - me and aunt                             b - keyboard with red letters 

c - skateboarding in parking lot 


d - my red truck                              e - guy i kill 

f - me                                              g - main door to house 


h - dog i feed                                  i - truck is now a table 

j - house on hill                               k - two interacting insects 


l - i wake up early 

m - me and guy with energy sensing glasses 




.image below: red tickets, interacting insects and guy with energy sensing glasses detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/dream-26-mar-2024/




.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - golf' 




.          2          12          1282812          1           81          8       22181       28        182     




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