Friday, March 15, 2024

friday 15

friday 15



.image below: title: 'pigeon-kong' 















.dream: in a research lab, researcher guy on my left, in front of us is a large white 

board table, eraser marking in middle of table, erasers on left side of table, you 

can't touch the table, but you can touch the erasers to mark on the table, just like 

the surface of mars, we haven't touched it yet, only our robots, end scene, 


.on a university campus, leave a building, enter another building, funny entrance area, 

a lady with a baby stroller is behind me, i make sure the little door doesn't hit her 

baby, i pass through entrance area, a kid behind me wants me to help him through the 

entrance area, i turn around, touch door, kids opens door on his own, walking, 


kid behind me, he mentions my 'tweeze', stomach, my stomach is a bit 

upset, cabinet on right, stairs up up ahead, end scene, 


.walking outside, small hill, coming to the top, shopping center just up ahead, end scene, 


.in an empty restaurant, just got off a cart on a track, almost home, cell phone has 

the cover off, one camera has fallen off, cell phone may be broken, maybe not, 

black and white dog approaches, picks up some camera piece from floor in its 

mouth, i pick item out from dog's mouth, end dream 



.a - research lab                     b - white board table 

c - me                                     d - researcher guy 


e - university campus             f - i exit a building 

g - outside                               h - entrance to other building 

i - lady with baby stroller 


j - kid behind me                      k - cabinet 

l - stairs up 

m - walking outside                  n - shopping center up ahead 


o - me in empty restaurant 

p - broken cell phone                 q - dog 




.image below: white board table detail 





.image set below: university campus scene detail 





.image below: cell phone and dog detail 






.wake up


.gym (comic book)


.image below: title: 'the noble gases' 




.         5        45         4575475           4           74          7      45547         57        547      




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