Saturday, March 30, 2024

saturday 30

saturday 30



.image below: title: 'error, careless error' 





.dream: in g.h's house, bedroom, sleeping on floor, other people in room, 

d.h, the dad, and b.k and a.k, the brothers, i should open 

window, stuffy, they say no, end scene, 


.walking outside, ice on ground, tool shed, road signs, red and green, 'hell', end scene, 


.back inside, go down stairs, turkish books, basement, window, pass by twice, 

on the second pass i see f.g, she married to a woman now, i go upstairs, 


.dining room table, hearty meat dish, eating, full brick of garlic cheese 

in dish, my brother, on my right, may puke, end dream 



.a - bedroom in g.h's house 

b - icy ground outside                     c - tool shed 


d - road signs                                   e - go down stairs in g.h's house 

f - basement level                            g - f.g and some lady in window 


h - possibly a swimming pool here somewhere 

i - dining room 

j - eating hearty meat casserole dish 




.image below: road signs outside detail 





.image below: window in basement detail 





.image below: hearty meat casserole dish detail 






.dream: two women are looking for their bulgarian aunt, enter into bar area, roped off 

area, bulgarian culture area, the two women speak english, bulgarian aunt speaks 

bulgarian, something about french,


.two other women in bulgarian culture area are of interest, huge black right 

eyes on both of them, 


.the bulgarian aunt cannot be located, the two original women go home in 

a taxi, end scene, 


.map of the middle east, french postal outpost, now i'm in the map, waterfront 

area, spiny warriors walking around, i join a tour group, military aircraft is 

ascending overhead, windy, cargo bay doors on top of fuselage are open, 


.walking with the tourist group, some people go back to recycle area, items for 

sale on shelves, a baby poops in its diaper, some lady comes over, i go to a 

counter to buy something, end dream 



.a - two women, searching for aunt 

b - rope                                     c - bulgarian culture area 


d - two women, large right eyes 

e - taxi ride home                      f - map of middle east 


g - frech postal outpost              h - water front area 

i - spiny warriors 

j - walking with tourist group 


k - military aircraft ascending in windy weather 

l - recycle area                            m - baby poops 

n - i go to pay counter 




.image below: women with large right eyes detail 





.image below: spiny warriors detail 





.image below: military aircraft detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - kilo' 




.        4         04         0484084         0           80          8         40048        48          408     




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