Thursday, March 28, 2024

thursday 28

thursday 28



.image below: title: 'weirder and weirder' 











.dream: in a room, old filipino language teacher, j.d, is up on the right, on the left and outside 

a shipping container is being converted into a recording studio, i'm eating small 

square crackers, other people in room now, j.d asks me to stop eating crackers until 

some other person arrives, i do so, end scene, 


.bedroom, two guys on bed on the left, i move a cell phone charger, end scene, 


.in bathroom, looking in mirror, put on some brown pants, good fit, have on a 

towel on upper body and a maroon v-neck sweater, getting ready to go skateboard, 

end dream 



.a - me                                b - j.d 

c - shipping container being turned into room 


d - bed                                e -  i move phone charger 

f - two guys in bed             g - brown pants 

h - maroon v-neck sweater 




.image below: shipping container and crackers detail 





.image below: brown pants, maroon v-neck sweater detail 











.wake up


.jump rope 


.image below: title: 'triple word score - india' 




.          7        47         4707047            4            04         0       47740       70        470     




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