Saturday, March 16, 2024

saturday 16

saturday 16



image below: title: 'marmot-kong' 





.dream: in a room, feeling manic, hyper and excited, several people gather around me, 

sensation in my butt, now i'm feeling calm, level-headed, go over to other side of room, 

m.m is here and feeling manic, hyper and excited, i restrain him against the back 

wall by pushing on his chest, 


.two other people arrive, restrain m.m by his shoulders, a male doctor enters room, 

injects m.m in his right chest with a calming drug, m.m is now feeling calm, level-headed, 

he asks the doctor for the 'weight', the doctor gives m.m the tip of the needle, 


.m.m then squirts water from the 'weight' at a nurse at the other end of the room, 

she gets drenched in the water, now she's as beautiful as some other person, 

end dream 



.a - me feeling hyper and excited

b - people surround me                            c - sensation in my butt calms me down 


d - m.m hyper and excited                       e - i restrain m.m, push on his chest 

f - people restraining m.m by his shoulders 

g - doctor gives m.m injection in his chest 


h - m.m takes 'weight' (tip of needle) 

i - m.m squirts water from 'weight' at nurse 

j - nurse 




.image below: manic to calm dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: injection in chest and the 'weight' (tip of needle) detail 











.wake up


.bicycle (comic book)


.image below: title: 'that time of day' 




.        3         23         2383823          2         82           8       33282         38        238        




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