Saturday, March 23, 2024

saturday 23

saturday 23



.image below: title: 'ribbit-kong' 





.dream: some people are kicking rocks on wet concrete, i'm just on the 

fringe of this group of people, end scene, 


.game show, feminine contestant, she has to spell the name of some company from 

the word 'thrasher', she pauses after a couple letters, normally i'd do a letter or 

two and then wait, now i just decide to spell the whole word, 


.contestant wins, she gets a new skateboard, then a car appears with a snowboard 

in a rack on the roof, car and snowboard then disappear in a poof of smoke, 


.the lady will be at the library, three or four or something, end dream 



.a - rocks on wet concrete 

b - game show contestant                     c - letters 


d - new skateboard                                e - car with rack and snowboard on top 

f - library building 




.image below: rocks on wet concrete detail 






.dream: electronic tablet, screen shots, a lady taps the tablet before a screen shot can 

occur, tablet freezes, i take tablet, unfreeze it somehow, the screen shot then clicks, 

end scene, 


.in house from high school, need to charge computer, go down by stairs, get charger, 

plug in charger, computer is now charging, there's some 'swim' program that allows 

the computer to be used while it's charging, end scene, 


.looking at a video game, shooting game, end scene, 


.in a basement area, working with computer, older microsoft, k.l comes by, he's 

getting a tux, i say i have all the accessories for a tux but still need to rent one, 

end scene, 


.riding in a van, middle seat, van goes up hill, end scene, 


.enter into a lady's house, step by a christmas tree, outside now, table of food, 

a lady is doing something by some air vents, she's trying to paint them white, 

says she doesn't know what she's doing, she gives me a glove with white 

paint on it, i look at the vents, start to paint one, look away, look back, 

all the vents are painted white now, 


.the one vent i was painting has chewing gum wrappers in it, i pull them out, 

oil in vent, i use a spoon to get out some oil, pour it into garbage can below, 

ask about food, lady points me to room in house, i go in room, lots of food, 

big cooked turkey, one leg already gone, end dream 



.a - me and lady and frozen tablet 

b - charging computer scene                     c - me on computer 


d - k.l                                                         e - in a van, going up hill 

f - enter lady's house                                  g - christmas tree 


h - table with food outside                         i - me 

j - vents with white paint                            k - garbage can 

l - room inside with food 




.image set below: dream map 





.image below: computer and charging port detail 


.note: charging port may have been on front left of computer and not on left front as shown, end note 





.image below: air vents painted white detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - delta' 




.        5         15             1575175           1          71           7         55171          57         517     




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