Monday, March 4, 2024

monday 04

monday 04



.image below: title: 'red circles' 











.dream: put on a light blue navy uniform shirt, the crow patch that should be on the 

shoulder is on the bottom part of the shirt, end scene, 


.in a building, going down an escalator, person behind me, t.i, is pushing a baby carriage, 

may be pregnant as well, on middle level now, path to main exit is on the left, i go right, 

i'm reciting some kind of nonsense mantra, t.i is repeating after me, lower level, 

a small dog goes under a door on left, i go right, brown metal chimney, small 

piano with three burning candles on top, end scene, 


.eating pizza, lady across from me, she wants to try my pizza, i let her, she 

says it's better without the garlic, end scene, 


.in a dark room, living room of n.s's house, harmonica, i'm writing on it 

with mechanical pencil, writing all the songs i know how to play, end scene, 


.in a room, movie on big tv, contents, bruce lee is in a room with a fireplace, he's floating up, 

would like the room to be hotter, central command computer makes it hotter, lights 

dim, bruce lee would like the lights back on, lights come back on, end movie contents, 


.i'm on a mattress, n.s and some lady are next to me, i leave room, going down an 

escalator, k.s is behind me, i have a tv remote with a green racquet ball in the battery 

slot, k.s wants to do some sports or something on a sports court below, i told 

him earlier that we could do some sports something, end scene, 


.almost forgotten scene, in a room, two women in the hallway, i start to 

get a boner, end dream 



.image below: items from dream detail 



.a - navy shirt, crow patch not right 

b - small piano, three burning candles 


c - pizza                                 d - harmonica 

e - remote control with racquet ball in battery slot 




.image below: small piano scene detail 



.a - upper level                         b - middle level 

c - lower level                           d - me and t.i on escalator down 


e - reciting a nonsense mantra 

f - small dog goes under door 

g - chimney                               h - piano and three candles 




.image below: movie scene detail 



.a - bruce lee movie on tv screen 

b - me on mattress                             c - n.s and lady 


d - door to hall                                   e - escalator down 

f - k.s                                                  g - me with remote 

h - sport court 




.image below: bruce lee movie detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'skateboard adjustment in progress' 




.          7          17         1787187        1         81          8        77181       78         178     




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