Saturday, March 9, 2024

saturday 09

saturday 09



.image below: title: 'angular momentum' 





.dream: several skateboard decks around a forest fire, most are double skate decks, i 

move a single skate deck, end dream 



.a - double skateboard decks 

b - i move a single skateboard deck 










.dream: i'm sitting at a table, guy across from me, we're about to fight in an arena on 

the left, on table is a small cabinet with four glasses of tea, two for me on 

my side, two for guy on his side, perhaps during our fight we can take a tea break, 

end scene, 


.talking to a guy about an ex-crew member named w.l, i type some stuff about 

w.l on a small black keyboard, the third sentence i type goes something like 

'i promise you, w.l has here and he really likes to in n out', the guy 

bends down over a small caller ID like screen and reads what i typed, end scene, 


.in a room, f.c is sleeping on the floor with a pot, i have a pot, i align myself and 

the pot to the direction of f.c's home, f.c is sleeping and aligns his pot in the 

same way, f.c gets up, says we over slept, some people on the far left get up as 



.i go into next room, my apartment, blue and red trash cans all over the floor, 

mess, i pick up some cans, go into bathroom, flushing food down the toilet, 

cut sausage, green beans, 


.now i'm in the hall, in a bathtub, some guy behind me, i have a particular hat on, 

neighbor comes over, really likes hat, it's a designer hat from china, he shows me 

his hat, i tell him i never wear this hat and give it to him, end dream 



.a - fight arena                     b - me 

c - guy                                 d - small cabinet with four cups of tea 


e - me typing                       f - guy reading what i typed 

g - me and f.c with pots 

h - other people in room 


i - red and blue garbage cans in apartment 

j - flushing food down toilet 

k - guy i give hat to 




.image set below: dream map detail 





.image below: cabinet with four tea glasses detail 





.image below: blue and red trash cans detail 





.image below: flushing sausage and green beans down toilet detail 





.image below: hats detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'beautiful lesbian body' 




.       7        37          3707037          3         03         0       30073        70          370     




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