Sunday, March 17, 2024

sunday 17

sunday 17



.image below: title: 'bovine-kong' 











.dream: cafeteria, four chocolate milks, small serving of green beans, drink, still 

hungry, food scraps on main table, just before two, enter classroom, five past two, 

late, don't want to be in here, fly up to ceiling, jump into the feet of my sleeping 

self, end scene, 


.outside, upper level of some structure, some drill sergeant lady comes by, says 

she doesn't run her house like this, drone out of a box, 


.now c.l is next to me, she pulls down her pants, 

dark purple psoriasis on her lower butt, she seems to be telling me it's going 

away, end scene, 


.middle level, printer, trying to print out my financial info, print, two cases come 

out from printer, i open one up, lady says my papers didn't print, i go over 

to right, can't find my backpack, some guy throws a pack near me, not mine, i 

take two bags, black and blue, blue one smaller, i leave area, 


.go left, shoes, i pick out a pair, size three seven zero cm, fits good, two guys come 

by, call me a stowaway, i throw the black and blue bags in a corner, end scene, 


.lower level, third stairs up, go up, no more stairs, two women, one jumps into 

the other one, one woman now, 


.<<begin sexual content advisory>>


.lady wants sex, she bends over in front of me, she goes for penetration right away, 

i tell her i like to warm up a bit, warming up, penetration, some 

guy in an observation office says 'this guy did a <sterling> right off the bat', 



.end scene, 


.<<end sexual content advisory>>,


.end dream 



.a - cafeteria, chocolate milk               b - food scraps on table 

c - classroom                                       d - drill sergeant lady 


e - c.l with psoriasis                             f - labeling error, likely 'e' 

g - me at printer                                    h - lady on other side of printer 

i - backpack area                                   j - shoe area 


k - two guys call me a stowaway          l - third stairs up 

m - me and two women                         n - observation office 




.image below: four chocolate milks detail 





.image below: middle level scene detail 





.image below: printer case detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'that time of night' 




.        5        35          3595935         3          93          9      35593        59        539      




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