Wednesday, March 20, 2024

wednesday 20

wednesday 20



.image below: 'octopus-kong' 















.dream: a guy is bench pressing, having trouble, two spotters come over, spotters can't 

lift the weight, weighted bar falls down on guy, a submarine engineer comes over, 

picks up the guy, mentions a blue screen, homelessness and schizophrenia, the 

bench press guy is now sitting on the bench, end scene, 


.entering into a lady's house, ask about my car, it's in the shop, lady shows me 

my car, in no condition to drive, i mention some dinosaur experiments in 

neighboring house, lady invites me into her home, i'm about to sleep and dream, 


.she offers me a small jug of milk, i decline, don't want to drink the last of their milk, 

need some notes and pencil to record my dreams, counter, purple pencil, two notebooks, 

pages are written in, i find some blank areas on paper, lady shows me stairs and downstairs 

area, a person comes to door, i go downstairs, 


.big room of guys sleeping, i go to toilet, pee, three bunks on the right, guys 

likely sleeping here as well, i go back upstairs, 


.need to tell lady something, don't wanna go back downstairs, i may get sick, i 

ask a guy to get lady, she comes up, i tell her i may need to fight in a boxing match, 

i leave, 


.walking past a boxing ring, two guys boxing, i grab some carrot juice, take a drink, 

end dream 



.a - bench press scene                         b - dinosaur experiment in neighbor's house 

c - my car in shop                                d - lady's home 


e - notes on counter                             f - couch 

g - stairs down                                     h - guys sleeping 


i - toilet                                                j - three bunks 

k - talking to lady 

l - boxing ring                                      m - carrot juice 




.image below: dream map detail 





.image below: my car in shop detail 





.image below: pencil, milk and carrot juice detail 






.wake up




.image below: 'triple word score - alpha' 




.         3         03         0393093         0         90            9        33909         39        093      




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