Tuesday, March 19, 2024

tuesday 19

tuesday 19



.image below: title: 'beaver-kong' 





.dream: walking up in a gravel parking area, a.h and his sister, b.h, are moving from 

one jeep to another, end scene, 


.a submarine is in dry dock, i'm standing across from the sub, lots of shore power wires 

below me, some guys start to pull the wires away from me and towards the sub, one 

wire they can't pull, i pick up this wire and go on top of the sub, the wire i'm holding is 

frayed and energized, 


.the electrical chief comes over with a wheeled cart, i put the wire up on the cart and 

get a little shock in the process, push the wheeled cart with the wire on it 

past a port-o-potty, wooden crate and can of orange paint on the left, end scene, 


.in the forest, looking up at the trees, not really trees but special herbs from thailand, 

my mouth is full of these special herbs, i can feel the plants growing under my tongue, 

end scene, 


.the sub is in the water now, c.l and a lady go on the sub, turn left, now c.l is 

in an office with a navy, guy, she's signed up for submarine service, the 

navy guy asks her what she wants to do, elementary education, the 

navy guy starts to grope her right breast, end dream



.a - jeep transfer                         b - submarine wires 

c - guys pulling wires away from me 


d - submarine in dry dock         e - wheeled cart 

f - port-o-potty, wooden crate, can of orange paint 


g - special herbs from thailand 

h - c.l and lady go on sub            i - c.l and navy guy in office 




.image below: dream map detail 





.image below: frayed wire and special herbs detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/03/19/dream-19-mar-2024/




.wake up




.image below: title: 'equinox box' 




.       4       34         3464634          3          63         6       44363       46        436      




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