Saturday, March 2, 2024

saturday 02

saturday 02



.image below: title: 'blue circles' 











.dream: driving a vehicle, may be a white suburban, 

coming off a dirt road and onto a concrete road, mail box 

posts in front of me, i turn right, driving on grass by beach, park by water, 

a tan colored military drone flies by, rear mounted twin jet engines, the base must 

be just over the tree line, i walk back on the grass, stones now, a waves moves up 

on the shore, end scene, 


.in some lady's house, packing up, packing up shoes, some may be my brother's 

blue ballet shoes appear, end scene, 


.several forgotten scenes, 


.in a room, sitting down, lady sitting on my right, another lady is not sitting, someone 

takes some kind of measurement on my leg, the lady next to me wants the other lady 

to sit so a measurement can be taken, i get up, stand in front of sitting lady, my 

stomach is right in her face, i tell her that i've been sitting down too much and am 

getting fat, end dream 



.a - driving a vehicle                            b - mail box posts 

c - right turn                                         d - grass by beach 


e - water                                               f - military drone 

g - wave on shore                                 h - in some lady's house 


i - tv                                                      j - packing up shoes 

k - lady who doesn't really sit              l - other lady sitting 

m - me sitting 




.image below: beach and military drone scene detail 





.image below: military drone and blue ballet shoes detail 






.dream: in a hertz rent-a-car office, weekend, worker guy behind counter, two 

guys waiting for rental cars, i'll just make a reservation online, leave office, in a house, 

computer, go to another computer, washing my hands in computer, finish, water 



.l.s appears, wants to show me a comic book, me and l.s in bed, she's lying behind me, 

interesting sensation in my butthole, aunt leaves house, l.s leaves house, i'm 

looking at some blackberries on a wooden ledge, i pick some up, some fall down, end scene, 


.enter into g.h's house, look outside, trees in plastic wrap in the yard, g.h isn't home, 

his mom, d.h, is, i go into basement, blue bedding on floor, go into bathroom, pee 

in toilet, go back upstairs, d.h and some guy in kitchen, i go over to my notebook, 

looking at my dream notes, purple ink, end dream 



.a - hertz rent-a-car office             b - worker guy at counter 

c - two guys waiting to rent cars 


d - two computers in house           e - me and l.s in bed 

f - aunt leaves house                      g - blackberries on ledge 


h - g.h's house                                i - trees in plastic wrap in yard

j - light blue bedding downstairs 


k - downstairs bathroom                l - friend's mom, d.h, and some guy in kitchen 

m - looking at my notes, purple ink 




.image below: washing hands in computer detail 





.image below: blackberries on wooden ledge detail 





.image below: downstairs bedding and bathroom detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'seagulls eating trash on the street' 




.        4        34        3494934         3         93        9       39443       49       394      




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