Friday, March 29, 2024

friday 29

friday 29



.image below: title: 'jubilation' 





.dream: in a building by the beach, sitting at a table, g.h on my right, just got 

back from shopping, it was hot and crowded, end dream 



.a - building by the beach                     b - me 

c - g.h                                                    d - beach and water below 

e - shopping                                           f - hot and crowded 










.dream: in a living room, house from high school, behind the couch, a cat just came in 

from outside, i start to rub some hand soap on cat's back, end scene, 


.in a dorm building, hallway, a guy is doing pull-ups on a closet, enter into my shared 

room, roommate is sleeping, i've been wearing his socks, look on floor, dirty socks, realize 

i have clean socks in my closet, go over to my closet, end dream 



.a - couch                         b - me 

c - cat                               d - hand soap 


e - dorm hallway              f - guy doing closet pull-ups 

g - my shared room          h - roommate sleeping in bed 


i - dirty socks on floor 

j - my bed 

k - clean socks in my closet 




.image below: cat and hand soap detail 





.image below: hallway of dorm scene detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - juliet' 




.     6         46          4676476        4         74         7          64467           67       647       




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