Wednesday, March 6, 2024

wednesday 06

wednesday 06



.image below: title: 'purple circles' 





.dream: in a house, on a stool, willie nelson and guy on my left, willie nelson wants to 

play two music scales outside someone's house, 


.by the front door now, harmonica is playing, music stops, outside now in front yard, 

sitting on a stool, a guy is about to walk a brown dog, this dog rarely gets to 

leave the house, 


guy goes through aux gate into back yard, two dogs 

come out of back yard via aux gate and into front yard, 

the brown dog goes through main gate and into back yard, 



.--guy (maybe another guy), aux gate, into back yard, 

.----two dogs, aux gate, into front yard, 

.------brown dog, main gate, into back yard, 

.end review, 


.i'm on the stool, a lady with short red hair approaches, touches my left forearm just 

above the wrist, back of forearm, warm touch, she just got done with a drive, 

says her three year old ate a taco and commented on how fast the trip was going, 

the taco plugged up the three year old, then the lady says she was plugged up 

six ago, end dream 



.a - in a house                     b - me on stool 

c - willie nelson and person 


d - me in front yard            e - main gate to back yard 

f - aux gate to back yard 

g - lady with red hair 




.image set below: front and back yard scene detail 





.image below: lady with red hair detail 











.dream: in a large school auditorium, lady walking down stairs on my left, interesting 

pants, plaid pattern, large orange and purple stripes on dark grey denim, i follow 

her down stairs, 


.line of people on the left, i merge with them seamlessly, a guy goes behind a red 

curtain, left turn, i go behind a red curtain, empty room, another red curtain behind 

me, lift up curtain, grey wall, end scene, 


.enter into motel in new mexico, shut door, sand storm forming outside, rest on bed, 

need to call mother, tell her where i am, phone on desk, call front desk of motel, 

lady says if i make a phone call that i can't leave the room, she says the 

guy who helps to make calls is gone, she can't help me, 


.i ask if i need to dial nine to get an outside line, she says nine one one, 

i dial nine then what i think is mother's number, really my own number, 

i've reached the KUOW radio station on multiple line, i hang up, 

very difficult to make a phone call in new mexico, 


.more guys in room, one on bed near me, two others on other part of room, 

movie on tv, i go into bathroom, guy shows me the laundry machine, end dream 



.a - in a large auditorium             b - lady with interesting pants, down stairs 

c - guy goes behind red curtain 


d - i go behind red curtain             e - wall behind red curtain 

f - motel in new mexico                g - sand storm outside 


h - rest on bed                                i - phone call attempt 

j - guy on bed, tv                            k - other part of room, two guys 


l - bathroom door                            m - toilet area 

n - laundry machine 




.image below: interesting pants and red curtains in auditorium detail 





.image below: odd laundry machine in new mexico motel room detail 











.wake up






.image below: title: 'progression of concrete' 




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