Monday, March 25, 2024

monday 25

monday 25



.image below: title: 'boll weevil-kong' 











.dream: in a classroom, teacher wants us to write the new vocab for chapter five, this 

chapter has been removed from my book, teacher gives me a paper, tells me to go get 

new book, i leave class, 


.offices, see sign for 'internal library', i need to get new book, talking with a guy, says 

the library folks are gone, end scene, 


.people in hall, waiting in line, end scene, 


.a movie is playing, dinosaur in space, covered in a blue gamma ray something, a 

lady has this blue cover as well, a huge dinosaur releases a small red something, 

red thing is not covered by the blue, end scene, 


.sliding on my feet across a parking lot, bushes, i dive in hands first, my bike is 

back here, grab it, a lady comes over, she shows me some tools on a 

white tarp in a ditch, rakes and shovels for landscaping, 'herramientos' i say, 

i start to pee, end scene, 


.in a produce tent, a guy is trying to sell three beats, two women from colorado 

behind me, magnet on the card reader, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen cents, 

guy accepts three beets from me, end dream 



.a - classroom                             b - offices 

c - talking to guy                        d - people in line in hall 


e - dinosaur in space movie 

f - parking lot                              g - landscaping people 

h - bushes                                    i - my bike 


j - tools on white tarp in ditch 

k - produce tent                           l - two women from colorado 

m - produce buyer guy                n - me and guy selling beets 




.image below: dinosaur in space movie scene detail 





.image below: behind the bushes scene detail 





.image below: three beets detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - foxtrot' 




.        6       36         3676376          3           73           7       63367         67          376      




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