Friday, March 8, 2024

friday 08

friday 08



.image below: title: 'grey circles' 





.dream: on a south american hunting expedition, walking through the jungle, 

no animals around, enter into a library, a guy has part of his glasses missing, some 

guy says this missing part could be used as a shank, 


.a.n is freaking out for some reason, some lady has made a hand painted sign 

about 'the fire' being real and physical exertion, 


.i'm sitting on ground, n.s on my right, other people around, a female commander 

is giving a brief on some training we're to undergo, shooting in the morning and 

evening, i comment on how shooting is easy, end dream 



.a - south american jungle hunting expedition 

b - me in library                                     c - guy with part of glasses missing 


d - a.n freaking out                                 e - hand painted sign 

f - commander lady giving brief             g - me and n.s and other people 




.image below: missing part of glasses and hand painted sign detail 











.dream: at a hotel, walking on outside balcony between rooms, lady walking as well, 

i turn around, say i'll get the trash, end scene, 


.two people are getting hair cuts, i go around to a room, lady in a chair, black 

tights, holes in the knees, i ask if i can touch her, 'you can touch me anywhere you 

want' she says, i touch her knees, mount her, sex, end scene, 


.orange room, two jeeps drive through, a guy with sunglasses is in middle of room, 

group of people walk through, last person has a red bag, end scene, 


.at a food service place in japan, i've taken my shoes off and am wearing slippers, 

guy asks me what i want, i point to a large white corn chip with white cheese, guy 

puts this chip and another one with tomatoes on a plate, i point to a meat enchilada 

thing, maybe its a taco, guy picks it up, meat spills out, he prepares to make a new one, 


.looking for my shoes, can't find them, go outside, a guy is sleeping with an alarm and 

a quarter on his stomach, alarm goes off, guy gets up, he needs more rest, a lady 

has said she'll take me home, end dream 



.a - me and lady, hotel walkway 

b - two people getting hair cuts                  c - me and lady, touching, sex 


d - movement room, cars, people               e - guy with sunglasses 

f - last person walking through carries some red bag 


g - food service area                                    h - shoes on floor 

i - guy in bed, alarm clock, quarter 




.image below: movement and restaurant scenes detail 





.image below: chips and taco detail 





.image below: guy sleeping detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'the angelic voice of a school boy' 




.       4         04        0494094         0        90         9       00949         49          094       




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