Sunday, March 24, 2024

sunday 24

sunday 24



.image below: title: 'flying squirrel-kong' 











.dream: sitting on a park bench, a small kid is being bullied by a group of other kids, 

the group and kid move in an arc past me, the two taller bullies walk away, now 

the small kid and two small kids are coming back towards me, they're all 

punching each other in the face, 


.i try and calm these kids down, not really working, the smallest kid who's being bullied 

is wearing a blue shirt and orange hat, end dream 



.a - me on park bench 

b - kid being bullied                 c - mixed group of bullies 


d - two taller bullies leave         

e - smaller kids punching each other 




.image below: blue shirt and orange hat detail 






.dream: close up view of a guy wearing wire framed glasses, end scene, 


.in basement of house from elementary school, two kids, they offer me some 

little yellow lego building blocks for the pirate ship, i could put these pieces 

inside the ship, look over in corner, the pirate ship is already built, no 

need to open it up and put in these little yellow pieces, 


.i'm holding some extra space ship legos, i'll take these upstairs, i go upstairs, 


.upstairs, a lady is getting ready to give me a massage, end scene, 


.in the bathroom, wearing red pants, i take to huge poops in the toilet, i poop again, 

this time in my pants, pull down pants, poop goes into toilet, flush, end dream 



.a - guy with wire frame glasses 

b - basement                             c - couch 


d - two kids                               e - pirate ship lego set 

f - me with extra space ship legos 


g - i go upstairs                         h - me 

i - lady about to give me a massage 

j - me on toilet, pooping 




.image below: guy wearing wire frame glasses detail 






.wake up 




.image below: title: 'triple word score - echo' 




.      7         57          5797957           5           95           9         75579         79         597      




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