Thursday, March 21, 2024

thursday 21

thursday 21



.image below: 'crustacean-kong' 





.dream: enter an area, wood cabin type area, round table, people at table eating 

greasy high calorie pizza, i go around table and sit, a mob boss guy sits at table, 

he's talking about some guy who has a hundred and fifty years of gambling 

debt in las vegas, 


.i grab a tall wooden chair on table, move it a bit, some leaves start to fall down 

from above, white leaves on right, green leaves on left, the people at the table 

don't like this, i had good intentions, that's all that counts, end dream 



.a - i enter area                     b - round table 

c - people eating greasy high calorie pizza 


d - i go around table, sit            

e - mob boss 

f - tall wooden chair            g - leaves falling 




.image below: tall wooden chair and falling leaves detail 











.dream: riding in a car, mother and aunt in front, i'm in back right, up hill, intersection, 

about to turn left, a guy with a gas powered leaf blower is on other side of intersection, 

noisy, end dream 



.a - intersection                         b - uphill direction 

c - car                                        d - mother and aunt 

e - me                                         f - guy with gas powered leaf blower 




.image below: guy with gas powered leaf blower detail 






.wake up




.image below: 'triple word score - bravo' 




.              3         13          1343143           1            41           4         13314       34         314    




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