Tuesday, March 5, 2024

tuesday 05

tuesday 05



.image below: title: 'yellow circles' 


.note: yellows can be difficult, end note 





.dream: in an airport, just got off a flight, two of my teacher from grad school are 

talking, s.m and p.s, p.s may be talking about me, end scene, 


.in side room of house from high school, two guy enter, they have three skateboards, i have 

them put the boards down, now i'm looking at a bunch of completed lego kits, 

two twin kits, and other kits, a guy points out one kit in the back, apparently the 

little lego man was in his butthole, he shows me a connection on the kit 

where it goes into an infant's head to produce imagery, 


.brother has just woke up, we're planning a trip somewhere, everyone should 

be getting ready, i'm lying on a rug, lady with black hair next to me, aunt is 

sitting down above us, some guy is moving my body with his feet, i'm not 

into it, guy stops, doesn't look like we're going anywhere, no trip, 


.aunt is in kitchen now, black hair lady goes into kitchen as well, 

brother is sitting against the wall under window on the right, a love 

song is playing on tv, end dream 



.a - me in airport                         b - s.m and p.s talking 

c - side room in house from high school 


d - two guys with three skateboards 

e - fully built legos on floor         f - me on carpet on floor 


g - lady with black hair                h - aunt sitting 

i - aunt and lady in kitchen           j - love song on tv 




.image below: skateboards turn into legos dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: built lego kits detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/03/05/dream-05-mar-2024/




.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-05-mar-2024




.wake up




.image below: title: 'whatever, green, whatever' 




.      4        24        2494294          2         92         9       22949         49         294      




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