Friday, March 22, 2024

friday 22

friday 22



.image below: title: 'penguin-kong' 











.dream: in the small kitchen of a trailer, i jerk off and ejaculate on the floor, do it 

again, no more paper towels, no more toilet paper, i clean up my mess with a 

small white towel, leave area, 


.in the living room of p.w, lady over on the right, i pick up a yellow wash rod and 

spray water on something, likely the messy white towel, water spills down onto 

the carpet, i notice a big dark green sink on other side of room, next time i 

need to do the washing in the sink, end scene, 


.in my room, on the floor, some lady is in my room, i touch her foot, now i'm lying 

on top of her, pull up her skirt, genitals exposed, sexual penetration, end scene, 


.in a classroom, a lady comes up to me with her homework, she has a question, shows 

me some pages she ripped out of a book, she has a question about one word that pops 

up over and over again, mr.erw or m.ewr or something, i tell her it's someone's name, 


.she shows me all her homework written in pencil, i start to write a bit, 's s d' i write, 

the first letters of the first few words, i stop, i'm not writing all her homework, give 

it back to her, a lady in teal comes up to me, either jumps into me or through me, 


.i walk over to other side of room, f.c is wrestling with his red hoodie, i take off 

my purple t-shirt, hang it on hook, now i'm wearing a red t-shirt, go back to 

table, i ask the lady who her teacher is, she says it's e.w and that she doesn't like 

e.w as a teacher very much, 


.i look over to the left, e.w is sitting in a chair, end dream 



.a - small kitchen in trailer 

b - me                             c - ejaculate on floor 


d - no more paper towels 

e - door to hall                f - door to outside 

g - living room of p.w 


h - some lady                  i - two yellow wash rods in trough 

j - green sink                   k - me and lady 


l - classroom                   m - tables 

n - lady with homework question 

o - lady in teal                 p - f.c and red hoodie 


q - my purple t-shirt 

r - me in red t-shirt           s - e.w 




.image below: yellow washing rods in trough and green sink detail 





.image below: red hoodie and t-shirts detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - charlie' 




.     4       34         3404034          3          03          0       30043           40         340       




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