Monday, March 11, 2024

monday 11

monday 11



.image below: title: 'duck-kong' 





.dream: square something, 'his name is thanos' i say, end dream 










.dream: come up on a moving conveyor belt, screen in front of me with 

map of short trip to store in turkey, end scene, 


.sitting on the floor, c.l on my right, phone rings, some guy telling me something, 

i repeat it to c.l, guy says more stuff, i repeat to c.l again, look at my phone, 

flip phone with several surfaces, back cover is off, screen, 'message not in 

public format' is written on back screen, 


.i look at front screen, image of some structure outside, i can move the phone around 

and see different part of the structure, bricks, colosseum like, red bricks at 

bottom, brown bricks in middle, curved middle, corner at top, end dream 



.a - conveyor belt                     b - screen with turkish trip 

c - me on phone                       d - c.l 


e - large colosseum type building as seen through cell phone 

f - red brick bottom part          g - rounded middle 

h - corner at top 




.image below: telephone and brick structure outside detail 






.dream: in friend's house, n.s, morning time, need to get ready for school, 

i'm in living room, l.s is in dining room, n.s moves into kitchen, shoes on the 

floor, n.s says he has sewer duty for two days, like working two full time 

jobs he says, end dream 



.a - me in living room 

b - l.s in dining room 


c - n.s in kitchen 

d - shoes on floor 





.wake up




.image below: title: 'toothbrush on the sidewalk' 




.        4        34         3454354         3         53         5       35543         45          354      




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