Thursday, March 7, 2024

thursday 07

thursday 07



.image below: title: 'orange circles' 





.dream: in driveway of house from elementary school, in a jeep, mother driving, brother 

and n.s and some other guy in jeep as well, mother is taking everyone to the city, i 

don't want to go, ask to be dropped off at home first, mother says no, i get out of 



.jeep drives off, i push a button, not garage door, a light turns on on a replica of 

the jeep, i go through garage, 


.<<begin disturbing content warning>>


.go over to a platform in the bushes, i've cut off my testicles and am 

now urinating in my scrotum, the plan is to walk home with my scrotum full 

of piss in my hands then sew my balls back on at home, 


.two or three small candles are burning on the small platform in the bushes, 


.pissing in my severed nut sack, a car drives by, guy inside says 'hi', i 

finish peeing in my scrotum, take my piss filled nut sack and balls and 

put it in a sock, tie top of sock in a knot, good to go, 


.<<end disturbing content warning>>


.another car drives by, mother has dropped off brother and n.s and other guy 

in city, she took a ferry boat, dropped them off and then came back, 


.mother says that maybe the other guys will get a taxi for me, brother chimes in, 

says that i won't get a taxi, n.s and the other guy just wanted to go around to 

all the bars in the city and get drunk, does not appeal to me, 


.a travel itinerary appears, shows all the different parts of the trip, including the 

part that would have taken me home that didn't happen, end dream 



.a - house from elementary school 

b - jeep, moving                             c - i get out of jeep 


d - push a button                             e - replica of jeep with light on, parked 

f - real jeep keeps moving              g - go through garage 


h - urinating                                    i - guy in car says 'hi'

j - some other car                            k - travel itinerary 




.image below: dream map detail 





.image below: travel itinerary detail 











.dream: in the suburbs, outside a house, in the yard, i'm pissed off for some 

reason, throwing rocks down hard on the ground, throw a rock up in the air, 

throw another rock up, this rock flies over and hits the neighbor's house, 


.cross street, go over to neighbor's house, my car is like some kind of 

monument here, grab car key on string from wall, a small dog appears, snout 

like a mole, i put my face down near dog, this dog gets energy from eyeballs, 

dog gets some energy from my right eye, i move along, end scene, 


.in a kitchen with a lady, bottle of oil, we go around to other side of 

counter, lady is showing me how to make perfume, i take two bottle 

caps and put it some stuff and oil and rub them together, end scene, 


.in a high school locker room, end dream 



.a - house                        b - throwing rocks in yard 

c - road                           d - one rock hits neighbor's house 


e - my car                        f - car key on string on wall 

g - neighbor's house        h - eyeball mole dog 


i - kitchen counter            j - me and lady 

k - making perfume          l - high school locker room 




.image below: throwing rocks scene and eyeball mole dog detail 





.image below: making perfume detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'preparing for puberty with all my heart and soul' 




.       8         38         3898398        3         93          9        88393         89        839      




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