Tuesday, March 12, 2024

tuesday 12

tuesday 12



.image below: title: 'rabbit-kong' 





.dream: my college major has been changed to something more literary, suits 

me better, e.w is in a piggy back situation, turns a corner, difficult to 

say how she turned, year nineteen forty one, eleven years, end dream 



.a - brick building                         b - submarine refrigeration 

c - e.w in piggy back situation 

d - me                                             e - new literary college major 






.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/03/12/dream-12-mar-2024/




.dream: black letters on a white background, a letter is added, don't remember, end scene, 


.a guy is showing how to pet a white cat, end scene, 


.outside, very tired, lie down on rocks, feet up on metal fence post, guy and horse 

come by, cool, rubics cube in my right hand, guy in black and white shirt comes 



.sitting up now, lady on my right, she's interested in eating rocks, not these rocks, 

one further out in the sea behind us, 


.standing on a big rock, going out to sea, facing shore, rock stops, wave knocks me 

down, i get up, face the water, hoot for dolphins, one appears, now a bunch of 

upright cartoon lions are coming towards me, i hold my ground, 


.leader lions approaches, does not attack, i show him my right arm, he's 

not interested, now the lions are tall people and a building has 

formed around us, people already in building think that the lions 

are gods, 


.tall kids arrive, guy with trash can comes in room then leaves, one of 

the kids has on a jacket with a small submarine emblem on the back right 

shoulder, two kids put on swim suits, bright blue and green, they're 

going swimming, stand up computer in corner on right, end dream 



.a - me outside, resting on rocks with feet on fence pole 

b - guy on cool horse                      c - guy in black and white shirt 


d - me sitting                                   e - lady interested in rocks 

f - rocks, not good for eating           g - me on large rock, going out to sea 

h - wave knocks me down, i get back up 


i - upright cartoon lions                    j - guy with trash can

k - tall kids in bathing suits               l - stand up computer in corner 




.image below: guy on horse and rubics cube detail 





.image set below: upright cartoon lions scene, sequential event detail 




.a - me on rock, going out to sea 

b - water                                c - wave knocks me down, i get up 


d - hooting for dolphins         e - dolphin appears 

f - upright cartoon lions          g - lions become people, guys tells me i did good 

h - i show guy my arm, he's not interested 


i - guy with trashcan, no sleeves on shirt 

j - tall kids in bathing suits     

k - stand up computer 




.image below: upright cartoon lions detail 





.image below: swim trunks detail 






.almost forgotten dream scene: playing a street fighter like video game, 

doing good, end scene 





.wake up


.run outside (two notebooks)


.image below: title: 'life in the universe' 




.        7         37           3787387          3         83          8        77383           78          378     




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