Sunday, March 10, 2024

sunday 10

sunday 10



.image below: title: 'chemical bonding' 





.dream: on a gravel camp site, pop up camper trailer with me, not popped up, 

two women approach in a truck, want to take over this site, ok with me, end dream 



.a - gravel camp site                         b - cars on road below 

c - pop up camper trailer                  d - me 

e - two women and truck 










.dream: outside a shopping complex, early morning, people lined up, i go around to 

back loading dock area, come back to front area, end scene, 


.forgotten scene, elon musk looking guy and shoe box something, end scene, 


.in a military room, wearing light green pants with shorter black pants over them, 

other guy in room has same pants on, enter into a bathroom, peeing in a small 

urinal, t.e comes over on my right, starts to point his dick at me like he's gonna 

pee on me, if he does, i'll punch him, he does not, 


.i finish peeing, go over to sinks, t.e flicks water at me, soap up my hands, 

rinse hands under small faucet, too small, soap still on hands, rinse soap off 

hands in large glass of water, brown paper towels, a young latina girl wants 

one, i give her one, dry my hands, young girl wants me to come with her, she 

leaves, i leave opposite way, 


.outside now, walking down some stairs, lady in front of me, i open a door 

for her, walking down more stairs, approach a building, lady stops, tight red 

pants, well formed and fit buttocks, lady is against a wall now, i approach her, 


.she starts asking me questions, i tell her i'm disabled and need to call my 

brother in tennesse, she puts in some white ear buds, her left lower leg is 

in some cage, i take off cage, start to massage her foot, i can feel the 

muscles on the bottom of her foot flex and twitch in both my hands, 

end dream 



.a - outside a shopping center 

b - people in line                         c - rear loading dock area 


d - i come back to front area        e - forgotten scene 

f - military room                            g - peeing in bathroom 


h - t.e peeing                                  i - small spout on counter 

j - larger glass for hand washing 

k - young latina girl                        l - girl leaves bathroom 


m - i leave bathroom                       n - lady and me, stairs down 

o - i open door for lady                   p - foot massage 




.image below: pants detail 





.image below: small faucet, large glass and paper towels in bathroom detail 





.image below: stairs down and foot massage detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'a private distraction' 




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