Saturday, February 17, 2024

saturday 17

saturday 17



.image below: title: 'study in purple' 





.dream: riding in a car with two or three other people, people from my filipino language 

class, end dream 



.a - car with me and two or three other people 

b - up hill                                                 c - forested area 


d - down hill                                             e - concrete road 

f - entrance to square tunnel 




.image below: car ride dream, notebook sketch 











.dream: car scene, end scene, 


.batter making scene, end scene, 


.looking out a window, construction men moving stuff, skater girl trying a 

switch front side one eighty, end scene, 


.submarine ladder, end scene, 


.delete pictures from my blog, potted plants, j.a in nice clothes, two guys 

on a bed, end scene, 


.in a hospital bathroom, m.w and other guy go to school, toothbrush and 

other stuff on small toilet under sink, phone rings, shopan, two nurses 

enter room, guy on bed, fat, short legs, nurses diagnose him with 

colon cancer, guy says he was born in sixty two, then his dad died and 

he joined the military, end dream 



.a - me in car                                 b - n.s in car 

c - my other car at mechanic shop 


d - friend's mother, d.h, making batter for baking 

e - me and eggshell                        f - construction men moving stuff 

g - lady skateboarding                    h - me at window 


i - ladder on submarine                   j - pictures on blog 

k - potted plants                              l - two guys in bed 

m - j.a in nice clothes                      n - tv 


o - me in hospital bathroom            p - m.w and other guy going to school 

q - stuff on small toilet under sink 


r - phone ringing on wall, shopan 

s - two nurses and colon cancer patient 




.image below: car scene detail 





.image below: egg shells detail 





.image below: window scene and submarine ladder detail 





.image below: photos and potted plants detail 





.image below: hospital bathroom scene detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'ultra light orange with light orange upon orange' 




.      5          15        1565165          1         61        6      55616         56          516     




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