Wednesday, February 28, 2024

wednesday 28

wednesday 28



.image below: title: 'orange me green' 





.dream: skateboard turn adjustment, end dream 











.dream: on a tennis court, people hitting balls around, riding on my skateboard, kneeling 

on my skateboard, ride over to another tennis court, white whiffle ball on ground, i 

pick it up and throw it up in the air, another white whiffle ball, i throw this one up as well, 

pink ball on ground, i leave this one be, end scene, 


.me and lady on some stairs going up, our lower bodies have merged, end scene, 


.in a kitchen, guy, another spanish speaking guy is completely naked and starts 

cooking scrambled eggs in a large skillet, there's three big sausages as well, maybe 

i'll get to eat, 


.eggs are done, naked guy eats a big mouthful of steaming hot eggs, a guy named 

nigel wants pizza, he had a mini pizza before and really liked it, wants another, 

nigel comes around the counter, a mini pizza appears, black olive slices around the 

crust, nigel is pleased, i notice an identical kitchen on the right, 


.i go around the counter, no food has been prepared for me, lots of eggs left though, 

a lady appears, she asks if everyone is ready to go, i tell her i haven't eaten yet, 

a mini fridge behind me is pretty much empty, i start to get some eggs ready for 

myself, little cheese slices on the counter, eggs and cheese will be nice, end dream 



.a - tennis courts scene             b - me on skateboard 

c - throw up two white whiffle balls 


d - me and lady on stairs          e - me in kitchen 

f - guy before cooking starts 


g - naked guy cooking eggs      h - nigel wants pizza 

i - i go around to other side of counter 

j - lady after cooking ends        k - mini fridge 




.image below: tennis scene detail 





.image below: kitchen scene detail 





.image below: scrambled eggs, sausages, mini pizza and cheese slices detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'tightless' 




.         5        45        4585845         4         84         8      45884        58         485     




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