Saturday, February 10, 2024

saturday 10

saturday 10



.image below: title: 'black on orange' 





.dream: looking down at something growing up towards me, end dream 















.dream: serving myself some of mother's pea salad, i need to be careful, too much 

will result in a stomach ache, end scene, 


.enter into my apartment, talking with mother on phone, a lady is in room, she 

asks if she can make a phone call, i say ok, end my phone call with mother, go 

over to glass door, lady on floor doing dumbbell bench press, 


.lady gets up, takes me over to washing machine, points out a small bottle of 

oil, this is special oil made from distilled urine, 


.i ask if lady lives here, she says no, her roommate doesn't live here either, 

she's looking for an apartment in new york city, end dream 



.a - mother's pea salad                          b - door to apartment 

c - me on phone                                    d - lady by glass door 


e - lady on phone                                  f - washing machine 

g - bottle of oil 




.image below: mother's pea salad dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: telephone and bottle of oil detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'light beige with light beige on blue' 




.       4        14        1464164         1           61         6        11646        46          164      




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