Monday, February 12, 2024

monday 12

monday 12



.image below: title: 'white on black' 





.dream: briefly in a ski cabin with two other guys, end scene, 


.walking in the forest, chocolate fungus cake on the left, i take a small piece, 

l.s is talking, says she spoke to taylor swift and taylor swift said they used to 

be in a band together, mentions music industry profits, 


.on top of a round tank in a huge building, water on the right of tank, n.s on 

my left, his sister, a.s up in front of me, i try and compare the water on the tank top 

like a pie chart, thirty five percent something, n.s doesn't get it, 


.some guy walks over to a weight machine in front of me, dislodges something, 

tries to make a ruckus, now i'm hanging over the side of the tank, the thing dislodged 

was a gas hammer, t.r comes over and puts the gas hammer back in place, 


.s.k is looking down at me with two long instruments, i use my left leg and foot to 

push him over to my right, now an ultra thin needle of star light, possibly from the 

orion's belt constellation, threads into the tear duct of my right eye, end dream 



.a - ski cabin                             b - chocolate fungus cake in forest 

c - top of a round tank              d - water area 


e - me                                        f - n.s 

g - n.s's sister a.s                       h - weight machine and gas hammer 


i - some guy                              j - t.r 

k - me hanging off side of tank 

l - s.k 




.image below: chocolate fungus cake dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: chocolate fungus cake detail 





.image below: weight machine weight stack and gas hammer detail 





.image below: curved needle of star light in my right eye tear duct detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'cherry mamba on the street' 




.     5       45         4585845          4         84         8      48854        58         485      




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