Tuesday, February 27, 2024

tuesday 27

tuesday 27



.image below: title: 'blue me orange' 





.dream: in living room from high school house, g.s is in the room, he can't go 

home so he's with us for awhile, aunt and mother at table, i complaining that mother 

was too overbearing during my school years, 


.i go into bathroom, cutting my hair with clippers, i just cut my hair with a 

number four, now i'm cutting it again with a number three, some hair falls 

down on my left shoulder, end dream 



.a - aunt and mother at table 

b - me                                     c - g.s by door 


d - bathroom mirror                e - cutting my hair with clippers 

f - hair falls on left shoulder 




.image below: hair falls on left shoulder detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/02/27/dream-27-feb-2024/




.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-27-feb-2024




.dream: riding a bicycle up a hill, talking to a guy i can't really see, i'm asking him 

about riding my bike over bumps, small hills really, and about the brief moment 

of low gravity near the top, guy dismisses what i'm trying to say, tells me 

the best way to go is just to max out, left turn, end scene, 


.home office, i've set up a listening test and the grading spread sheet on the 

computer, i go get the administer guy, tell him i'd like to take the test, 

test has the number three associated with it somehow, guy seems willing 

to give me the test, he's wearing a blue long sleeved shirt and red tie, end dream 



.a - riding a bicycle                     b - some guy 

c - left turn                                   d - in home office 


e - computer                                 f - listening test administrator 

g - guy's shirt and tie 




.image below: riding bicycle and blue shirt with red tie detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'skateboard mechanicsry' 




.      3          03        0353053         0          50         5       30035         35        305     




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