Monday, February 5, 2024

monday 05

monday 05



.image below: title: 'red on green' 











.dream: riding in a vehicle, possibly in a church, brick wall on the right, doorway openings, 

statue of an artist, water hoses frozen in time, right turn at end of brick wall, end scene, 


.in a circular room, people, a lady opens her computer, shuts it, a phone is ringing, i 

go over and unplug phone, ringing stops, push power button, flip a switch, sit down, 

a lady across from me is happy, she just got a bunch of new clothes, 


.a guy leads me out of room, takes me into hallway, has a bunch of pens, i choose a 

medium sized green one, 'you ruined my red' the guy says, 'just write with green' i 

tell him, 


.go over to a large pink candle, i pull up the wick, another guy is prepping the 

wick for lighting, a lady comes over, short interaction, 'see no more' she 

says and leaves, end dream 



.a - vehicle                                     b - brick wall 

c - artist statue                                d - water hoses, frozen in time 


e - people in room                           f - ringing phone 

g - me sitting                                   h - lady 


i - guy with pens                             j - pink candle 

k - wick guy                                    l - lady 




.image below: pink candle dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: brick wall and artist statue detail 





.image set below: phone equipment detail 





.image below: pens detail 





.image below: pink candle detail 











.dream: two guys at a table eating pizza, they finish, one guy offers the other guy some 

mentos candies, the mint ones are in green wrappers, the flavor ones are in blue wrappers, 

end dream 



.a - guy                         b - pizza on table 

c - mentos                     d - guy with mentos 




.image below: mentos candies detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'a message, a medieval scroll message' 




.        5        15        1505015           1         01         0       15501         50          501      




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