Friday, February 9, 2024

friday 09

friday 09



.image below: title: 'blue on pink' 





.dream: early morning, going into my apartment, a party has lasted all night, people 

across the hall from me, i enter my room, large bed, end scene, 


.two uphill guys approach two mounted guns, the downhill guys are right there so 

the uphill guys can't shoot the guns, now the down hill guys take control of the 

two guns which is now a single large caliber weapon with two barrels, the 

downhill guys shoot the uphill guys, uphill guys die, end dream 



.a - hallway                             b - people 

c - me in my apartment           d - uphill guys 


e - two mounted guns              f - downhill guys 

g - one large caliber weapon with two barrels 

h - uphill guys are shot 




.image below: single large caliber weapon with two barrels detail 











.dream: in a building, walking with two books, pass by captain picard, going up some 

steps, some guy behind me, i stop, guy passes, i continue up steps, top floor, 

rooms, guy goes off to the right, i go back down stairs, little piece of cardboard on 

the bottom step, i move along, 


.guy and lady sitting, tables pushed together so i cannot easily pass, guy and lady 

watching tv, i pass by wall, lady in chair, loop around again, pass by wall again, lady 

is gone this time, guy says 'rewind', i'm crawling on the floor, tv remote on floor, 

i push some random buttons with right thumb, tv goes to a channel menu, 


.lady is flipping through the channels, lots of them, i continue crawling on floor, 

pink video game device on the right, corner, crawling, lady is still flipping 

through the tv channels, end dream    



.a - me with two books                 b - captain picard 

c - stairs up                                   d - upper level 


e - some guy                                 f - guy and tables 

g - lady in chair                            h - tv on wall 

i - first pass, lady in chair             j - second pass, lady is gone 


k - guy says 'rewind'                     l - i push buttons on remote 

m - pink video game device         n - crawling on floor 




.image below: pink video game device dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: small piece of cardboard on bottom step detail 





.image below: two books, tv remote and pink video game device detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'friday night social at the old folks home' 




.      6        26        2676276        2         72         7       22767        67        267    




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